Archive: External Links

6 Articles


Georgetown Experts Are Editors of New Regulatory Science Book

The recently published “Introduction to Regulatory Science” is an unprecedented “bible of science policy,” said lead editor Tomoko.…

July 17, 2024


At ‘Food as Medicine’ Conference, Microbiome Fuels Big Conversations

Leaders from academia, industry and government met to talk about how food affects our bodies and minds, and how to confront societal challenges around food and.…

June 13, 2024

Student Profiles

Sally Huang

"Located in Washington D.C., I know I can rely on my education being up to date with the latest news and policies to influence what and how I."…

June 28, 2019


John O’Brien

John currently works as a Global Biological Policy Intern at the Nuclear Threat Initiative. He holds a master's of science in Biohazardous Threat Agents and Emerging Infectious…

January 28, 2019


Rebecca Law

Rebecca Law, a graduate of the M.S. Biohazardous Threat Agents & Emerging Infectious Diseases program, was a research assistant at START (the National Consortium for the Study of…

July 16, 2018


Global Security Depends on Matching Wits With Emerging Disease

Researchers face a "perpetual challenge" to stay ahead of the evolving infectious microbes they seek to eradicate, said Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of NIH’s National…

February 20, 2014