Student Profiles

Elijah Urquhart

Elijah (he/him, 2022 Cohort) is originally from Clarksville, TN; however, he grew up in a military family who moved frequently. At The University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, he earned a B.S. double major in Biology and Peace, War, & Defense with a Chemistry minor. As an undergraduate, his studies were concentrated on International Intelligence and Security, as well as medicine. Elijah has previously worked as a laboratory assistant for The Gillings School of Global Public Health where he analyzed the antibiotic resistance of E. coli collected from local waterways. Additionally, he spent time as a research assistant with The Institute of World Politics focused on Energy Security. While there, he evaluated Safe Water and off-grid technology solutions while supporting the creation of a clean energy non-profit. Through the Biohaz program, Elijah hopes to expand his knowledge of WMD threats and emerging infectious diseases. 

Career/Academic Interests: CBRNE Threats, Counterproliferation, Intelligence Collection/Analysis, Molecular Biology & Infectious Diseases

Hobbies: Mountaineering, Coffee, Endurance & Weightlifting Sport