Student Profiles

Heather Hunter

Heather Hunter

Heather (she/her, 2022 Cohort) graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Public Health from the University of North Florida with a minor in Health Education in 2021. She then moved to Las Vegas, Nevada where she began working as a Community Health Worker for the Southern Nevada Health District in their COVID-19 Outreach program, where she became involved in many community health equity projects. Currently, she is now working with their Monkeypox vaccine coordination and testing team to help serve their community timely and efficiently during this outbreak.

Career/Academic Interests: She would love to pursue her Master’s and then PhD in Public Health once she completes my Certificate in Biohazardous Threat Agents and Emerging Infectious disease. Her true career passion is Global Health and Biosecurity, so this certificate program is a great way to enhance her learning path as she works toward her goals. As for her career, she plans on staying in the public sector but would prefer to work on a state or federal level. If the last two years have taught us anything, it is that public health is a rapidly changing field that always keeps you on your toes; being able to research and educate on a national scale that protects both the health and safety of our population would be the best of both worlds.

Hobbies: She is a major foodie, so she loves going out to restaurants and trying new foods with her boyfriend and anyone else they convince to go with them! She enjoys hiking and exercising, and used to go kayaking in Florida before she moved to the desert. She also likes to learn new languages, collect perfume, and did Latin Ballroom dancing for most of her life.