Student Profiles
Meet some of our talented Biohazardous Threat Agents & Emerging Infectious Diseases students!
2022 Cohort

Jayme Angelo
Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, Jayme (she/her) graduated in December of 2021 with a B.S. in Biological Science from Holy Names University in Oakland, California. While at Holy Names University, Jayme worked for the School of Science, Allied Health, and Nursing. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, she assisted the School of Nursing in opening and managing a nurse-ran vaccine clinic, in support of the California Department of Public Health’s vaccine initiatives.
Career/Academic Interests: Bioterrorism, Biopreparedness and Response, CBNRE threats, Biosecurity, Microbiology
Hobbies: hiking, backpacking, snuggling with her dog, playing DnD, reading, & DIY projects

Francesca Battelli
Originally from New York, Francesca (she/her) received a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and Immunology with a minor in Health Geography from McGill University in Montréal, Canada. Francesca has a research background in vaccine development and parasitology. At McGill, she developed three novel recombinant adenovirus-vectored vaccines for Schistosomiasis. She is currently finishing a retrospective study that analyzes the prevalence of human Toxocariasis in Canada. During her undergrad, Francesca served as Co-President of the McGill chapter of Friends of Médecins Sans Frontières. Within and beyond this role, she was involved in a number of university-based initiatives that focused on global health education and equity. She hopes to pursue a career in research studying emerging viruses.
Career/Academic Interests: Emerging Viruses, Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers, Zoonosis, Global Health, National Security, Biodefense
Hobbies: cooking, Latin dance, playing the piano, & watching Formula 1

Julia Campbell
Originally from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Julia (she/her) received a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Government from William & Mary. At William & Mary, she helped lead the college’s public health club and worked in a research lab exploring political psychology and polarization. Julia is looking forward to further exploring her interests through the BHTA program before seeking a full-time position upon graduating.
Career/Academic Interests: Biosecurity, Emergency Preparedness, CBRNE threats, Global Health, Science Policy, and Infectious Diseases
Hobbies: running, lifting, enjoying nature, reading, watching movies

Cathy Coyner
Cathy Coyner (she/her) currently serves as a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Officer in the United States Army. She has had 10 years of experience advising commanders and leading Soldiers in countering weapons of mass destruction (CWMD) and hazardous response missions. She lives in the D.C. area with her spouse, Jesse, and their 5-year-old daughter, Anna.
Career/Academic Interests: She wishes to use this program to become uniquely qualified to advise commanders and policy makers in areas related to countering weapons of mass destruction, threat reduction, defense support to civil authorities, and force protection.
Hobbies: cooking, camping, & cooking while camping

Mary-Anne Gillis
A former Air Force brat, Mary-Anne Gillis graduated from Troy University in 2010 with a B.S. in English. Since graduating, she has supported varied facets of the U.S. Government, starting her career with stints for Members of Congress. After leaving the Hill in 2014, Ms. Gillis began her career as a government contractor, working on contracts throughout the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community. Since 2015, she has supported several government contracts through SAIC, to include the Defense Science Board, the DoD Office of General Counsel, and a multitude of analytic gaming events.
Career/Academic Interests: Biodefense, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Pandemic Preparedness, CBRNE Defense, National Security, Analytic Gaming
Hobbies: reading, embroidery, cooking, baking, classic movie marathons, game nights, trivia nights, hyping up for the Olympics (Summer and Winter), & planning a return trip to Iceland

Noah Gold
Originally from Westminster, MD, Noah (he/him) recently graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) with a Biological Sciences B.S., History Minor, and Undergraduate Certificate in Language Studies (French). Throughout his undergraduate experience, he worked as an Emergency Room Scribe at Saint Agnes Hospital, university employed tutor for inorganic and organic chemistry, as well as an Undergraduate Research Assistant investigating the knockout of deubiquitinases on selective degradation of mutant p53 protein aggregates in ovarian cancer cell lines. In addition, he worked closely with the pre-medical student body as the President of UMBC’s Pre-Medical Society from 2021-2022. He continues to serve as a volunteer at my local food bank, Carroll County Food Sunday.
Career/Academic Interests: Emerging Infectious Diseases, Biodefense, Microbiology, Zoonotic Diseases, Antimicrobial Resistance, Bioterrorism
Hobbies: volunteering, skiing, Ravens football, binge watching shows and movie series
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